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ChildPlus Manual

8.1Child Plus Manual

8.1.1Health Entry 8.1.2Family Services 8.1.3Entering Meal Counts 8.1.4Reports Report 3011-Missing Health Event (Grid) 8.1.5To Do List Set Up

8.2CP Entering & Maintaining Family Information

8.4CP Eligibility

8.5CP Selection

8.6CP Enrollment

8.7CP Home Visiting

9 Learning Paths


CP Rollover Child to Next Program Year

The ERSEA Manager performs the rollover of returning families into the next program year starting in January.

  1. On the Setup tab, click the Data Utilities menu > Prepare for Next Program Term > Rollover Utility.

In the first set of fields you will select the group of children to be rolled over to the next program term.

  1. Select the Current Program Term from the drop-down list.
  2. Select the Returning to radio button and select the relevant New Program Term.
  3. Enter the Age and School Year Cut-off Date.
  4. Select our Agency.
  5. Select the relevant Sites and Classrooms where the children are currently enrolled.
  6. In the Status field, select the Enrolled
  7. At the bottom of the screen, click Next Step.

On the next screen, you will select how you want the records to roll over.

  1. Select the New Status of “Accepted” from the drop-down list.
  2. Enter the New Status Date.
  3. In the Returning field, enter “1000,” which indicates the number of priority points a returning family receives.
  4. Select “No” in the individuals should be assigned the same Agency, Site and Classroom that their current participation record is assigned to


  • Children moving from Early Head Start to Head Start and 3rd year Head Start children only have records created after they have been re-verified.
  1. In the Only increment the participation year… field, enter the number of days the child was enrolled.

Note: Head Start participants must be enrolled for more than half a program term. Early Head Start participants must be enrolled for 183 days.

  1. At the bottom of the screen, click Next Step.

Next, select the children to be rolled over into the new program term.

  1. Select the checkboxes next to the children’s names who will be rolled over to the new program term.

Note: Use the Check All or Uncheck All buttons beneath the table as needed.

  1. Click Next Step.

  1. Click Confirm.

Note: It may take several minutes to create the new records.