< back to welcome page 1 Recruitment 2 Eligibility 3 Selection 4 Enrollment 5 Receiving (or Providing) Services 6 Transition 7 Admin/Operations 8 ChildPlus

ChildPlus Manual

8.1Child Plus Manual

8.1.1Health Entry 8.1.2Family Services 8.1.3Entering Meal Counts 8.1.4Reports Report 3011-Missing Health Event (Grid) 8.1.5To Do List Set Up

8.2CP Entering & Maintaining Family Information

8.4CP Eligibility

8.5CP Selection

8.6CP Enrollment

8.7CP Home Visiting

9 Learning Paths


Attaching DLL Documents into CP


Attaching DLL Documents into ChildPlus

Scanning and Renaming DLL Documents

Create a folder in your My Documents that you will Save As or copy the scanned Family Demographics Form and Family Language & Culture Interview to (ex. To CP).

  1. Scan the Family Demographics Form and Family Language & Culture Interview as one scan, into your center _Scan folder.
  2. Open your center _Scan
  3. Find the document you scanned
  4. Copy the scanned document into the folder you created, you will attach the record into ChildPlus from this folder.
  5. Rename each document (ex. DLL_RCreek)
  6. Delete files from _Scan Folder

Attaching Files into CP

  1. Log into
  2. Select the child you are going to attach the DLL document
  3. Click on “Family Services”
  4. Click on “Attachment” tab
  5. Click on “Add Attachment”               
  6. Navigate to the folder you put the scanned DLL documents in
  7. Select the correct DLL documents.
  8. Click “Open”
  9. Service Area: Ensure it reads Family Services
  10. Attachment Type: DLL: Family Language & Culture Interview
  11. Description: Type month and year the documents were filled out (ex. 9/2/20) 
  12. Click Save