Address, Phone and Emergency Contacts
Application Tab – Phone Numbers, Addresses & Emergency Contacts
Emergency Card
Enter within 3 days of completion
1. Update address and phone numbers, if needed
2. Click “Add Phone number, Edit or Delete” to update phone numbers
3. Click “Change Living Address” and select “Add New Address” to update address
4. Enter mailing address if different from living address by unclicking ‘Same as living Address”
Application Tab – Emergency Contacts
Emergency Card
Enter within 3 days of completion
1. Under Individual’s Contacts click “Add Contact
2. Fill in all information available
3. Click emergency Contact and Release To
4. Click “Save” if all contacts have been entered or click “Save and Add Another” if you have additional contacts to enter
***IMPORTANT NOTE*** If there are contact entries in CP from a previous year, etc. That are not listed on the current Emergency Card delete the contact