Medical/Dental Home PIR Questions
WIC: Indicate whether the child had WIC At Enrollment and At End of Enrollment
Medical Home: Indicate whether the child had a medical home At Enrollment and At End of Enrollment If the child has a physical then mark Yes as having a medical home
Indian Health Service: Indicate whether the child had medical services through an Indian Health Service (ie rancheria) At Enrollment and At End of Enrollment
Dental Home: Indicate whether the child had a dental home At Enrollment and At End of Enrollment
For EHS, if a child has a physical, mark Yes as having a dental home
For HS, if a child has a dental exam, mark Yes as having a dental home
When filling out these questions, fill in both At Enrollment and At End of Enrollment fields at the beginning of the enrollment year. You can always go back and change the At End of Enrollment field, if necessary