Hearing Follow Up
Rescreen in 1 month.
If failed rescreen, refer to primary care provider.
Action Type: Choose Follow Up
Scheduled Date: When a child fails the initial screening ensure you add a scheduled action 1 month from the initial screening date
Action Date: Enter the date the rescreen was completed
Description: Enter the results of the screening if the child did not pass (ie cricket or RPPFP/LPPFP) otherwise the status says it all
Status: Enter the appropriate status code:
Evaluation Complete, No Treatment Needed: If a child passes the rescreen On the Initial Event screen ensure you enter the date you did the rescreen in the Closed Date field.
Referred, Failed 2nd Screening: If child fails the rescreen, refer them to their health care provider
On-going SHS Contact: If you do any follow up with the parent in regards to the referral
Agency Worker: Ensure the Family Service Staff’s name is indicated.