< back to welcome page 1 Recruitment 2 Eligibility 3 Selection 4 Enrollment 5 Receiving (or Providing) Services

5.1Screening & Compliance Requirements

5.2Center/Classroom Startup Planning

5.3Classroom Engagement

5.4Ongoing Assessment

5.5Family Engagement

5.6Weekly Home Visits

5.7Home-based Socials

5.8Overview of State Programs


5.10Prenatal Services

5.11School Readiness Goals

5.12Internal Monitoring

5.13Food Service

6 Transition 7 Admin/Operations 8 ChildPlus 9 Learning Paths

Creative Curriculum Studies

It is an expectation that each preschool classroom conducts studies throughout the program year. A study timeline will be distributed at the beginning of the year.

Creative Curriculum Studies are a meaningful way to teach content and build on children’s knowledge and interest. The studies are much like a project approach to learning where children research answers to questions that they and the teacher have about a certain topic. A key component of a study involves an in-depth investigation of a topic worth finding out more.

Each study has three main parts: beginning the study, investigating the topic, and celebrating learning. Each part has several components.

Beginning the Study

This part begins with choosing a topic for study and gathering information to see if this is a good topic. Here you will also find out what the children already know and want to learn about the topic. Involving families and the community is a big part of selecting a study topic because they will provide you with resources and experiences. Beginning the study includes:

  • Selecting an appropriate topic
  • Plan and conduct exploratory investigations
  • Obtain background information
  • Pause and reflect
  • Discuss the topic with children
  • Create a web of important ideas
  • Integrate content learning
  • Tell the families about the proposed study topic

Investigating the Topic

This is the heart of the study where children find answers to their questions regarding the study topic through research and documentation. This section of the process allows for flexibility in the number of investigations within the process (staff can choose to do more or less investigations than are outlined in the study guides). It is important that children document their findings in many ways such as: drawings, graphs, pictures, maps, diagrams, video, recordings, collections, constructions, and any other way seen appropriate. The documentation will be displayed throughout the room. The components to part two of the study are:

  • Organize materials and plan experiences
  • Facilitate investigations
  • Document findings


This is a fun way to keep the study interesting and end the study enthusiastically! One way to end the study is to have children share their investigations with family and the community. This helps children review and evaluate their work and think of imaginative ways to share their work!

When considering a celebration:

  • Brainstorm with children and staff about what the celebration will be like
  • Set a date and time for the celebration
  • Invite the families
  • Invite any guest speakers
  • Work with the children on planning, set up, and implementation

Aspects of Every Study

Each study has common components that will be included:

  • Question of the Day – a question posted each morning about the study topic
  • Shared Writing – includes writing on a white board or chart paper about the study topic or question of the day during large group
  • Intentional Teaching Activity – this is a selected activity from Creative Curriculum Intentional Teaching Cards that supports the study
  • Read Aloud – books on study topic to be read on three different days using the Book Discussion Cards
  • Mighty Minutes – quick learning activity for transitions that relate to the study topic
  • Outdoor Experiences – continues the study topic through an outdoor experience
  • WOW! Experience – could include a guest speaker, exploration walks, a field trip, and more

Lesson Planning

There are fillable lesson plans and resources that accompany each study. The lesson plans have prefilled activities that must be adhered to. There are also areas for staff to plan additional activities. Below are steps to using the fillable lesson plans:

  • Daily small group consist of a choice between two Intentional Teaching Card activities. Staff will circle the activity that they will implement for each day
  • Fill in blank activity areas with activities of your choice. Ensure that all developmental domains and child goals are included

*It is not required to have every classroom activity and interest area related to the study topic. Studies are integrated and are just part of the daily activities and routines.

Resources that accompany the studies include:

  • Family Letters in English and Spanish
  • Question of the Day in English and Spanish
  • Pictures that relate to the study topic

Every classroom has their own set of Study Teaching Guides that will lead the staff through full implementation of the study. Books, Book Discussion Cards, and Mighty Minutes are also included with each study (all found in Creative Curriculum Kit 2).

Refer to on-site “Creative Curriculum: The Foundation Volume 1 Integrating Learning through Studies” and “The Creative Curriculum Teaching Guides” for more detailed information regarding studies.

Study Resources

Beginning of the Year








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