< back to welcome page 1 Recruitment 2 Eligibility 3 Selection 4 Enrollment 5 Receiving (or Providing) Services 6 Transition 7 Admin/Operations


7.4Facilities Maintenance

7.5Human Resources

7.5.1Personnel Policies and Procedures 7.5.2Employee Supervision 7.5.3Benefits 7.5.4Time and Attendance 7.5.5Safety 7.5.9Miscellaneous HR 7.5.11Volunteers

7.7Information Technology

7.9Other Administrative

8 ChildPlus 9 Learning Paths

On-Duty Meal Period Waiver

Centers may periodically find themselves in a situation where, if an employee were to take their scheduled meal break, the classroom would be out of ratio per state, CCL, or OHS requirements. If there is not a way for a center to cover for the employee’s meal break without breaking ratio, the employee can voluntarily waive their right to a meal break by completing the On-Duty Meal Period Waiver form.

Both the employee and the supervisor have to agree to the On-Duty Meal Period Agreement.  The employee need only fill out this form once, not each time the on-duty meal period is taken.  The employee or supervisor can revoke the agreement at any time.

The completed form is scanned or delivered to the HR department to be attached to the employee’s personnel file.

The employee’s supervisor may revoke the meal waiver at their discretion.


On-Duty Meal Period Waiver Form