< back to welcome page 1 Recruitment 2 Eligibility 3 Selection 4 Enrollment 5 Receiving (or Providing) Services 6 Transition 7 Admin/Operations


7.4Facilities Maintenance

7.5Human Resources

7.5.1Personnel Policies and Procedures 7.5.2Employee Supervision 7.5.3Benefits 7.5.4Time and Attendance 7.5.5Safety 7.5.9Miscellaneous HR 7.5.11Volunteers

7.7Information Technology

7.9Other Administrative

8 ChildPlus 9 Learning Paths


Sub Line

Substitutes (Subs) are an integral part of staffing Shasta Head Start and keeping classrooms open. All Substitutes will have a home center to which they report to unless otherwise told. Substitutes will be used to cover both planned and unplanned situations where additional coverage is needed at a center.

All substitutes are scheduled by the Human Resources Training & Development Coordinator (HRTDC) and supervised by Child Development Services Manager (EHS).

Head Teachers & Site Supervisors will check their work phones at the start of their shift. They will email the sub line with all employee absences they are unable to fill internally. The email will include the following: absent employee’s name, position, work schedule, center, and if the Sub needs to be fully qualified and permitted. This request will then be scheduled into the Sub line calendar by the HRTDC. An email will be sent to both the home center SS/HT and the SS/HT who submitted the request. Subs will be prioritized for centers that cannot meet ratios or cover breaks.

When possible, Subs will be notified the week prior to any prescheduled sub requests. Every effort is made to schedule Subs ahead of time, however; this is not always possible, and Subs may receive calls after 7:15 am, the day they are needed for work. If a Sub receives a call from the Sub line via voicemail or text, they MUST reply to (530) 691-5590 to confirm the time and location they are needed.

The HRTDC will begin checking the Sub line email by 7:00 am and coordinate any last-minute call-ins. They will then contact the Subs via phone call, text, and/or voicemail if they need to work at a different location. The HRTDC will let the Child Development Services Manager (EHS) know if they do not get into contact with a particular Sub. If a Sub is scheduled to work at a particular center and does not show up to that center the Head Teacher or Site Supervisor must let the Child Development Services Manager (EHS) know as soon as possible.

If a Sub is needed mid-day, the HT/SS will be responsible for calling the Subline to submit the last-minute request. Subs will be scheduled as available.

Head Teachers or Site Supervisors are required to complete the On-Site Child Supervision Training and the Employee Checklist for Success (modified for Substitutes) with each Sub the first time they are scheduled at your site. This is to be done prior to the Sub working in the classroom.


Substitute Guidelines:

    • If you are unable to work your scheduled shift, please call/text the Child Development Manager – EHS as soon as possible, but no later than 7:00 am and leave a message stating that they are unable to work. The Child Development Manger – EHS will notify the Subline and the center of the Substitutes absence. 
    • Please make sure to CLOCK-IN and CLOCK-OUT as well as SIGN-IN and SIGN-OUT on the Center/Office Staff sign in/out sheet.
    • Rest and meal breaks are required by law, make sure that you are taking your appropriate breaks. Check with the center staff to determine your break schedule for the day.
    • You may be asked to work different centers in the same day. If so, you will need to log your mileage between centers for reimbursement.



General Guidelines for Shasta Head Start Substitutes

Employee Checklist for Success (modified Substitute version)