Pay Card
Shasta Head Start Child Development, Inc. utilizes direct deposit and pay cards as sources for employees to receive their paycheck on the designated pay dates as per the Payroll Calendar.
1. During the onboarding process, each employee designates whether to receive their paycheck as an automatic deposit or by pay card.
2. An employee can change this designation of how they choose to receive their paycheck by filling out a Pay Card Enrollment and Consent Form and submitting it to the Payroll Coordinator.
Pay Adjustment
If an error has been made to an employee’s paycheck and the adjustment is requested to be paid immediately by the employee, the adjustment will be paid by pay card. This correction will be initiated using a Payroll Adjustment Form by the employee’s Manager.
Final Wages
Employee resignations or terminations will be paid by pay card. This action will be initiated using a Personnel Action Form (PAF).
1. The PAF will be completed by the employee’s manager.
2. Final paycheck will be paid by pay card, including any PTO.
3. The final paycheck will not include any deduction for Health Savings Account.
4. Final paperwork will be given along with the pay card.
5. Pay card will be available at the employee’s place of work, unless designated by the employee to be mailed.
Final Paperwork
Each final pay card should have 2 supporting documents, the final term packet and the employee paystub/PAF.
- Use the following directory to print a copy of the final term packet.
- M:\_Payroll\_Final_Term_Packet\FINAL TERM PACKET.pdf
- Have the employee sign the Receipt of Final Wages (page 1 of Final Term Packet) and return to HR or Fiscal.
- Use the following directory to print a copy of the employee paystub/PAF corresponding to the center of the employee. The pdf will be saved using the employee’s name.
- M:\_Payroll
- After the paystub/PAF has been printed, delete the file.
Admin office final paperwork will be printed by the Payroll Coordinator.
- Use the following directory to print a copy of the final term packet and employee paystub/PAF.
- O:\HR_Fiscal_Share\PAYROLL\TERMS
- After the paystub/PAF has been printed, delete the file.
- Have the employee sign the Receipt of Final Wages (page 1 of Final Term Packet) and return it to HR or Fiscal.
Center Pay Cards
1. Each Area Manager is given 10 pay cards to utilize amongst their centers by the Payroll Coordinator.
2. Area Managers must sign to receive the pay cards.
3. Area Managers will manage their pay card supply and make a request to the Payroll Coordinator when the supply needs replenishing.
Admin Office Pay Cards
1. For terminations or resignations in the Administrative office, contact the Payroll Coordinator for the pay card number to be used.
Payroll Calendar
Pay Card Enrollment and Consent Form
Payroll Adjustment Form
Final Termination Packet