< back to welcome page 1 Recruitment 2 Eligibility 3 Selection 4 Enrollment 5 Receiving (or Providing) Services

5.1Screening & Compliance Requirements

5.2Center/Classroom Startup Planning

5.3Classroom Engagement

5.4Ongoing Assessment

5.5Family Engagement

5.6Weekly Home Visits

5.7Home-based Socials

5.8Overview of State Programs


5.10Prenatal Services

5.11School Readiness Goals

5.12Internal Monitoring

5.13Food Service

6 Transition 7 Admin/Operations 8 ChildPlus 9 Learning Paths


Child File Monitor

Child File Monitor

Child file monitors are completed by the Family Service Manager or Coordinator annually, between September and December, to ensure compliance of Head Start Program Performance Standards, compliance of Shasta Head Start policies and procedures and as a training/professional development tool.  A random sample of at least 20% of child files or 3-5 child files from each classroom and Home Base caseload will be reviewed using the Child File Monitoring Tool.

The Child File Monitor includes a section for each component area: Enrollment, Health, Child Development, Disabilities/Mental Health and Family Services. Each component area has a set of review questions specific to that section of the child file and document(s). Each document will be reviewed for thorough completion, follow through and signatures as required.  The outcome will be recorded as “Met” or “Not Met” and is scored on a percentage.  A “Met” for each component area is any score 80% or above. Anything 79% or below will be a “Not Met” for that component area and a plan of action will be created to address the areas of concern and provide additional training.  The Child File Monitor Cover Sheet will be completed by the Family Service Manager/Coordinator to document staff’s strengths and plan of action for areas that need correction. Plans of action will define what needs to be corrected, who is responsible and when the action is due.  Family Service Manager/Coordinator will discuss the completed monitor with the Family Service staff and their direct supervisor.  The monitor will be signed by all parties involved with a copy of the monitor given to each. The Family Service Manager/Coordinator will review the monitor with the Area Manager (AM) of the center.

The Child File Monitor will be given to the ChildPlus Training Coordinator for entry into ChildPlus (CP).  Action plans will appear on Site Supervisor/Head Teachers and AM’s To Do List in CP.

Plan of Action Completion

Once corrections are completed, the Family Service staff will initial each corrected action on the Child File Monitor Cover Sheet and Child File Monitoring Tool then scan a copy to the Family Services Department (SocServ scan folder). The completed, updated monitor will be reviewed by Family Service Department and given to the CP Training Coordinator to enter the plan of action completion and at that point it will drop off the To Do List.
