< back to welcome page 1 Recruitment 2 Eligibility 3 Selection 4 Enrollment 5 Receiving (or Providing) Services

5.1Screening & Compliance Requirements

5.2Center/Classroom Startup Planning

5.3Classroom Engagement

5.4Ongoing Assessment

5.5Family Engagement

5.6Weekly Home Visits

5.7Home-based Socials

5.8Overview of State Programs


5.10Prenatal Services

5.11School Readiness Goals

5.12Internal Monitoring

5.13Food Service

6 Transition 7 Admin/Operations 8 ChildPlus 9 Learning Paths

Family Opportunity and Interest Assessment (FOIA)

The FOIA (Printing FOIA Packet) is an assessment designed to identify a family’s unique strengths, interests, opportunities for growth, and family aspirations (family goals). The data collected from the FOIA is used to identify appropriate referrals, set family goals, identify training needs, and is collected and submitted as part of the annual Program Information Report (PIR).

Completing the Family Opportunity and Interest Assessment (FOIA)

  • The FOIA is completed by Family Workers and Home Visitors with all families each program year including returning families, in all program options
  • The assessment consists of 20 questions starting with less sensitive questions and progressing into more personal, sensitive topics
  • The Baseline FOIA is completed within 90 days of a child’s entry date
  • The End of Year FOIA is completed by end of program year or upon a mid-year termination
  • If a family’s Baseline FOIA is completed after March 31st, the End of Year FOIA screening is not required
  • If a family is enrolled as prenatal, the Baseline FOIA is completed within 90 days of entry. If the prenatal client is enrolled for fewer than 90 days, only the Baseline FOIA is completed
  • If an infant is transitioned from enrolled prenatal to EHS Home Base, the FOIA will follow the family and does not need to be completed within 90 days of the infant’s entry date. Carry forward the FOIA & FPA completed with your prenatal mom to the enrolled infant’s child file
  • The FOIA packet is printed out of ChildPlus ( Printing FOIA Packet)
    and completed as follows:

    • Child’s Name: ChildPlus will fill this in for you
    • Parent/Guardian name: ChildPlus will fill this in for you
    • Staff Name: Document the name of the staff who completed the assessment, the date the assessment was completed and circle whether the Baseline (1st) or End of Year (2nd) assessment was completed.
    • Father/Father Figure participated: Check the “Yes” or “No” box if the father/father figure participated in the FOIA assessment.
    • Determining Strength (S), Neutral (N), Opportunity (O), Interest (I)
      • The FOIA is completed through a conversation/interview with the parent/guardian(s) of the enrolled child or prenatal participant.
      • When completing the FOIA, use the “Target Questions” to start the conversation. The answers to the “Target Questions” will be documented in the “Target Questions” box or in the “Evidence for Rating” box.
      • Each question will be discussed and documented thoroughly enough to rate the FOIA later. The rating of the FOIA does not take place in front of the family.
      • When rating the FOIA, use the answers to the “Target Questions” to indicate which description best fits the situation at the time of the assessment (Opportunity for Growth, Neutral, Strength). Select one description per question. Each question should start in Neutral (N) and may move to a Strength (S) or Opportunity (O) if that description better fits the family situation.
      • When completing the End of Year FOIA, complete it just as you completed the Baseline FOIA.
      • If individuals within the family unit fall into different ratings, then the lower rating is selected, and evidence is documented in the “Target Question” box or the “Evidence for Rating” box.
        • For example: If the father has fulltime employment, fitting the strength or neutral definition, and the mother is a stay-at-home mom with no intention of looking for work, this family will fall under the “Opportunity for Growth” due to unemployment. This question would be scored as an “Opportunity”. Document the family situation in the “Target Question” box or the “Evidence for Rating” box, and under Resources document “the family is not interested in any services or referrals at this time”.
  • Certain general categories have been identified as sensitive topics beginning with Relationship/Marriage Education, Mental Health, Domestic Violence, Child Abuse/Neglect Services, Substance Abuse Prevention and Treatment and Assistance with Incarcerated Family Members. Share with families that you understand these are sensitive topics and by sharing their experiences, you can help provide support and resources based on their response to these questions. Based on the discussion with each family, select Neutral (N) or Opportunity for Growth (O). There is no strength option for these categories. You must still document the reason for your score in the “Target Questions” or “Evidence for Rating” box.
  • Four general categories; English as a Second Language, Child Support Assistance, Early Intervention/Special Education and Relationship/Marriage education, have the option to choose “Non-Applicable”. If any of these questions do not apply to the family that is completing the assessment, documentation in the “Evidence for Rating” box is not required


If a parent/guardian expresses interest in any of the 20 topics, regardless of their identified level of rating (Strength, Neutral, Opportunity), check the “Interest” box. In some cases, a parent/guardian is interested in improving in a certain area but does not need a direct service or referral at this time because they are already receiving services. In this situation, document their status in the “Evidence for Rating” box.

Resources Provided

  • When “Opportunity” (O) is selected and/or the parent/guardian expresses an “Interest” (I) in a particular category, an external referral, resource, or direct service must be provided to the family. Document in ChildPlus see SOP & Entering Opportunity & Interest, Entering Resource/Referral in ChildPlus.
  • When “Neutral” (N) is selected in a particular category, an external referral, resource, or direct service may need to be provided if the family is interested in improving or changing their current circumstances. If the family is happy where they are, and they have no intention of changing anything about their current situation, no external referral or resource is necessary. Document in ChildPlus see SOP Documenting resources/referrals in ChildPlus.
  • When “Strength” (S) is selected in a particular category, no further action is necessary.
  • Three questions are highlighted in red: Emergency/Crisis Intervention, Mental Health, and Substance Abuse Prevention and Treatment. These topics are an immediate need and as such, a resource, referral, or direct service must be provided as soon as possible. Follow-Up should be completed within 2-3 days of providing the resource.
  • If the family refuses to accept a referral, resource, or direct service during communication, document in ChildPlus see SOP Documenting resources/referrals in ChildPlus.

Follow Up

Follow-up must be completed within one month of providing a resource, external referral, or direct service to a family. Document in ChildPlus, see SOP Entering follow up in ChildPlus, how the family used or did not use the provided resources (for example: family received food from Salvation Army). Include the date of the follow-up.

Additional Opportunities for Growth Identified:

  • The “Additional Opportunities Identified” section is used when additional opportunities are identified after the Baseline FOIA assessment and before the End of Year FOIA assessment is completed.
  • Document the opportunity identified on the FOIA and document on the FOIA and document resource/referral provided  in ChildPlus see SOP Documenting resource/referral in ChildPlus.

Steps completed in ChildPlus

Family Services staff enter the Family Opportunity and Interest Assessment (FOIA) in ChildPlus within three days of completing it with the family. SOP Family Opportunity and Interest Assessment


Resource/Referral and Follow Up Flow Chart

SOP Entering Opportunity & Interest

SOP Entering Resource/Referral

SOP Entering Follow Up