Site Meetings
Site meetings are held monthly at each center. Site meetings allow for Head Teachers (HT) and Site Supervisors (SS) to communicate information to staff about center and agency updates. Site meetings are an opportunity to train staff on information.
Site meeting agendas allow for HT/SS to organize and plan for the site meeting. Information should be collected from agency emails, management, and meetings/trainings attended by HT/SS. HT/SS will:
- Provide staff with a site meeting date and time verbally and/or written at each center at minimum one week prior to the site meeting.
- Post a blank site meeting agenda form prior to meeting in a central location, with the purpose of incorporating staffing needs, concerns, or announcements.
- Assign a staff member to take minutes.
- Provide staff with a training log and ensure each employee signs into site meeting.
The HT/SS will collect relevant information throughout each month to share back with center staff. HT/SS will:
- Notify staff of Site Meeting date and time within a minimum of one week prior to site meeting.
- Work with center staff to flex hours to ensure all staff are present.
- Follow the Site Meeting Agenda to provide information to keep all staff informed.
Facilities, Supplies, Equipment, & Maintenance:
HT/SS will update staff on center and operational needs (ex: flooring, cleaning, repairs, deliveries, orders) and solicit input from staff on additional needs that the HT/SS may not be aware of.
Child Supervision Monitoring Feedback:
Using the monthly Child Supervision Monitoring Checklist and classroom observations, provide feedback, plans, and training to staff during monthly site meeting to ensure all staff are following the Child Supervision Policy. Immediate feedback will be provided as needed.
HT/SS will use this section to address issues/concerns/feedback that impact center staff. Center staff will utilize this section to share classroom or center feedback/concerns or updates.
Parent Participation Activities:
HT/SS will provide reminders of ways parents can participate in the classrooms. Staff will collaborate to brainstorm new ideas to implement into classrooms. Center staff will send pictures, observations, and communications to families through Learning Genie.
Staff Morale Activities:
HT/SS will update and remind center staff of upcoming morale activities. Center staff will provide ideas of what morale activities they would like to see at the center. This is an opportunity for HT/SS to start the site meeting with a quick staff morale activity (e.g., icebreaker, team-building exercise, etc.) if time permits.
Upcoming Trainings or Training Requests:
HT/SS will remind staff of upcoming trainings and train on the quarterly safety trainings provided by Human Resources. Center staff can request individual or classroom trainings during site meetings.
Compliance Items/Timeline Items:
HT/SS and/or Family Workers will provide information, reminders, and updates on compliance and timeline items across Health and Education.
HT/SS Meeting Take Backs:
The HT/SS will share relevant information gathered from HT/SS monthly meetings with center staff.
Family Worker Updates:
Family Worker will communicate with center staff on upcoming parent meetings, Making Parenting a Pleasure workshops, and center specific parent/guardian information.
Upcoming Events/Calendar/Field Trips:
HT/SS will remind center staff about upcoming events and help facilitate planning for future events.
Teaching Pyramid Handouts:
HT/SS will provide Teaching Pyramid handouts to center staff at each monthly site meeting. HT/SS will focus on one area of the Teaching Pyramid each month to provide training and handouts to center staff. Center staff will discuss and document what Teaching Pyramid handouts they have provided to families during the previous month and plan what handouts they will be providing for the upcoming month.