< back to welcome page 1 Recruitment 2 Eligibility 3 Selection 4 Enrollment 5 Receiving (or Providing) Services

5.1Screening & Compliance Requirements

5.2Center/Classroom Startup Planning

5.3Classroom Engagement

5.4Ongoing Assessment

5.5Family Engagement

5.6Weekly Home Visits

5.7Home-based Socials

5.8Overview of State Programs


5.10Prenatal Services

5.11School Readiness Goals

5.12Internal Monitoring

5.13Food Service

6 Transition 7 Admin/Operations 8 ChildPlus 9 Learning Paths


Set up Morning Environment

 Lesson Plan

  1. Review the lesson plan for the day
  2. Prepare for any activities related to the lesson plan

Prepare the classroom

  1. Check the Sign-in/Sign-out sheet to ensure the sheet is accurate and that parents are utilizing the sheet
  2. Take chairs down from tables
  3. Sanitize and clean meal tables
  4. Turn on classroom lights, open blinds/windows
  5. Turn on music
  6. Prepare sensory tub
  7. Return clean toys to the shelves
  8. Open interest centers and ensure materials are available for child use

For more information on opening procedures and daily maintenance activities, refer to the SOP Opening Checklist.
