< back to welcome page 1 Recruitment 2 Eligibility 3 Selection 4 Enrollment 5 Receiving (or Providing) Services

5.1Screening & Compliance Requirements

5.2Center/Classroom Startup Planning

5.3Classroom Engagement

5.4Ongoing Assessment

5.5Family Engagement

5.6Weekly Home Visits

5.7Home-based Socials

5.8Overview of State Programs


5.10Prenatal Services

5.11School Readiness Goals

5.12Internal Monitoring

5.13Food Service

6 Transition 7 Admin/Operations 8 ChildPlus 9 Learning Paths

Siblings and Non-Enrolled Children

Shasta Head Start centers are licensed to serve children of the ages designated on the center’s license. For this reason, and for the safety of all children, SHS has set guidelines regarding siblings and non-enrolled children being in our classrooms.

Staff will share the Guidelines for Siblings and Non-enrolled Children in the Center with families at the parent orientation or the first home visit. The Guidelines for Siblings and Non-enrolled Children in the Center can also be found in the Family Handbook.

To help families feel welcomed, centers may create a designated waiting area where older siblings and non-enrolled children may wait for their parents. This area needs to be visible to the parent as they sign the enrolled child in. The waiting area may be as simple as a chair with a basket of books. Parents need to be shown the sibling/non-enrolled children waiting area during orientation or their first day at center.