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Learning Path Documents

9.0General Trainings

9.1ECE Trainee Learning Path

9.2Classroom Aide Head Start Learning Path

9.10Foundations of the Teaching Pyramid


Classroom Aide Chapter 2

CA Training Ch 2 Part 1 Teaching Pyramid Introduction:

The Teaching Pyramid is a framework designed for young children to promote their social/emotional development in order to increase desired behaviors and help prevent challenging behaviors.

Please watch the following presentation on The Teaching Pyramid.  Click anywhere on the window to advance to the next slide.  Be sure to click the “Play” button on videos.

Click on the links below for additional handouts and information:
-Moving from Praise to Acknowledgement
-Tell Me What to do Instead
-SHS Expectations

Ch 2 Part 1 Quiz

Take a moment to click on the following link for a short competency quiz:

Quiz Link

CA Training Ch 2 Part 2 Teaching Pyramid CECO Training:

This is the first part of your CECO web based training on the Teaching Pyramid.

Step 1: If you do not already have a California Workforce Registry Number, you will need to register using the following directions:
Early Care and Education Workforce Registry registration

Step 2: If you do not already have a California Early Childhood Online account, you will need to register using the following directions:
California Early Childhood Online registration

Step 3: Once finished, log into CECO and start learning session CSEFEL Teaching Pyramid Framework Overview. Once you have selected CSEFEL Teaching Pyramid Framework training and are ready to start place the sidebar on menu view. This will allow you to track the training slides by number so you will know when to end each portion of the training.

1. Start the training
2. Click the sidebar found on the left to Menu.

3. The slide numbers will display in the sidebar.

4. Complete Slides 1 – 40.

Click on the links below for additional handouts and information:
-Facts about Young Children with Challenging Behavior
-CA CSEFEL’s Vision
-We Teach
-Teaching Pyramid Handout

CA Training Ch 2 Part 2 Activities:

  • Explore the website cainclusion.org
  • With your supervisor find resources that we use to support social and emotional learning (CC foundation, Intentional Teaching Cards, Second Step, Books)

CA Training Ch 2 Part 3 Teaching Pyramid CECO Training:

This is the next part of your CECO web based training on the Teaching Pyramid.

Log into CECO and start learning session CSEFEL Teaching Pyramid Framework Overview.  Complete Slides 41 – 47. Module 1a, 1b, and 2

Click on the links below for additional handouts and information:
-Moving from Praise to Acknowledgement
-Tell Me What to do Instead
-Helping Children Make Transitions Between Activities
-Promoting Positive Peer Social Interactions
-Understanding Temperament in Infants and Toddlers(EHS only)
-PDA Samples
-PITC Overview(EHS only)

CA Training Ch 2 Part 3 Activities:

  • Find the visual schedule and classroom expectations and rules (with visuals)
  • Practice using PDA with children and have your supervisor give you thumbs up for each use – Review Handout 1a.9 Building Positive Relationships with Young Children found in the TP binder. Choose one child that you will focus making emotional deposits. Share your findings with your supervisor.
  • Practice using Mighty Minutes and giving transition signals
  • Keep the Tell Me What to Do Instead handout with you. Practice using this in the classroom.
  • Review the Visual strategies section in the TP binder with supervisor.

Preschool only

  • Create a Sunshine Board in your classroom using the Intentional Teaching Card (Preschool – CA only needs to review ITC and discuss with supervisor) (Optional)

Infant Toddler only

  • Explore the Social and Emotional Intentional Teaching Cards. Find Social Stories in the Classroom
  • Review EHS only handouts

CA Training Ch 2 Part 4 Teaching Pyramid CECO Training:

This is the third part of your CECO web based training on the Teaching Pyramid.

Log into CECO and start learning session CSEFEL Teaching Pyramid Framework Overview.  Complete Slides 48 – 53. Module 3 and “Bringing it all Together”

Click on the links below for additional handouts and information:
-Administrator Strategies that Support High Fidelity Implementation of the Pyramid Model for Promoting Social-Emotional Competence & Addressing Challenging Behavior
-Tiered Plan of Action– Infants and Toddlers
-Tiered Plan of Action– Preschool
-Steps Toward Applying the Teaching Pyramid for an Individual Child
-Relaxation Thermometer Activity
-“You Got It!” Teaching Social Emotional Skills

CA Training Ch 2 Part 4 Activities:

  • Turn in certificate to HR
  • Explore the Tiered Plan of Action
  • Explore Steps Toward Applying the Teaching Pyramid for an Individual Child
  • Read through the Thermometer Activity
  • Find Social Stories in the Classroom (Tucker the Turtle, I can be a Superhero)
  • Review SOP 5.3.24 Challenging Behavior Tracking Packet and SHS Challenging Behavior Tracking Packet Training and practice