
Processing IFSPs and IEPs

  1. At the enrollment meeting, the Family Worker or Home Visitor goes through the Health Development Nutritional Assessment (HDNA) with the family. New Child | Returning Child
  2. If a child is receiving services related to a disability, ensure that we have a copy of the IEP or IFSP, and complete the Notice of Enrolled Child with Special Needs. Formster | English
  3. Scan the IEP or IFSP, any assessment reports, and the completed Notice of Enrolled Child with Special Needs form to the Disabilities program. The originals are stored in the child file in the Disabilities and Mental Health (Orange) section.
  4. The Disabilities Coordinator enters the relevant information into ChildPlus and saves the IEP or IFSP as an attachment to the Child Record.
  5. The Disabilities Coordinator also prepares a Parent Education/Advocacy Packet (also called “the purple folder”), and sends it to the Family Worker or Home Visitor.

    Note: The advocacy packet contains information regarding the referral, evaluation, and service timelines required under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). It also contains steps for becoming a child’s advocate, a dictionary of special education terms and acronyms, as well as contact information for the Rowell Family Empowerment Center.
  6. The Family Worker or Home Visitor reviews the Parent Education/Advocacy Packet with the parents to ensure they understand the referral process and their rights under IDEA. Record the date you complete the review and give the packet to the family on the orange Disabilities and Mental Health Cover Sheet.