Closing Child Files
4.1.2 Closing Child Files
At the end of the program year, Family Workers/Home Visitors will close files for all children by doing the following:
- Gather all missing information/forms from teachers to put in file (Emergency Card/Permission to Share, DRDP Summary, family portrait, ITP, ouch reports, parent contact sheets).
- Add Family Service Section to file.
- Gather any confidential files to add to file.
- Add travel file contents to the file (Home Base only)
- Gather all medications to give back to family if possible (Center Base only).
- Create an ITP and give to teachers to fill out. Enter in CP in the Family Services Module once complete.
- Fill out Notification of Family Transition (NOFT) and scan to Family Trans scan folder (Midyear Transfer/Drops Only).
- Close out family goals and update all PIR fields (Application, Health and Family Services).
- Create a transition packet if leaving SHS/Transitioning to Kindergarten.
- If applies, assist parent/guardian in finding a head start in their new location. (See ECLKC website for locations).
- Drop/Complete Enrollment Record in ChildPlus (SOP – CP Update a Child’s Enrollment Status)
- Drop child if midyear (FS Staff)
- Complete child at EOY (ERSEA)
- Complete child when transitioning from EHS to HS midyear (FS Staff)
- Complete prenatal moms
- Use 9×12 envelopes only and printed labels provided by the ERSEA Department.
- Place the Label in the top left corner of the envelope.
- Put the child’s complete name on the envelope (nicknames, combo names, etc.).
- Enter all information into ChildPlus
- Do not combine program years in the same envelope; however more than one envelope can be used per program year if needed. If more than one envelope is needed, fill out one of the blank labels and place on the second envelope and rubber band them together.
- Do not rubber band different child files together.
- Put the most recent year envelope on top.
- Return all files to proper place:
Not returning to SHS – coordinate with AM and ERSEA to return files to the Admin Office
Transitioning to another SHS center –
Transitioning to a full year option – send to receiving FW/HV
Transitioning to part year option – send to Family Services
Returning to the same center/Home Visitor – keep file onsite
Full Day/Full Year Family Worker/Home Visitor: If the child is returning to the current center in the upcoming program year, refer to SOP – Enrollment Packet for the list of documents that will be pulled forward to the new program year child file. All other documents will be packaged in the envelope as described above.