< back to welcome page 1 Recruitment 2 Eligibility 3 Selection 4 Enrollment 5 Receiving (or Providing) Services 6 Transition 7 Admin/Operations 8 ChildPlus 9 Learning Paths

Learning Path Documents

9.0General Trainings

9.1ECE Trainee Learning Path

9.2Classroom Aide Head Start Learning Path

9.10Foundations of the Teaching Pyramid


Pest Management Training

HR Training Day 1: Pest Managment

Your next training will review Pest Management and cleaning guidelines. You have 60 days from your hire date to complete this task.

Please click on the link below to watch a video on Pest Management in childcare centers.
Pest Management Training Video

When the video is complete, please print your name and sign the “Healthy Schools Act Training Sign-In Sheet” in your Learning Path Binder. Mail or scan this page to the Human Resources Department.