
Reverifying Returning Children

Once a child has been enrolled in Head Start, he/she can attend for two program years before the family must be reverified. For Early Head Start, they can attend until they move to Head Start. Exceptions are:

  • If the child has been dropped from services and would like to get back on the waitlist.
  • If the family declines a slot for the next program year.

Note: The child must turn three by December 1st to move to Head Start.

Families who do not require reverification are automatically rolled over to the next program year. Refer to the SOP Returning Children (Rollover) for instructions.

Children enrolled in a State program may have additional verification requirements. Refer to the SOP Verifying Families for State Programs for instructions.

Beginning in January, Family Worker/Home Visitor meet with all enrolled families to determine what their program option preferences are for the following program year.

Submitting Eligibility Documentation

These steps are performed by the Family Worker or Home Visitor if unable to be completed by Enrollment staff using DocuSign, fax and center scans.

    1. For those families who will be moving from Early Head Start to Head Start, or who will be entering their third Head Start program year, complete the relevant forms through a phone interview and gather proof of eligibility documents. These include:

Refer to the SOP Eligibility Requirements for additional information.

  1. Gather the bundle of eligibility materials, including a completed coversheet, and scan to “ERSEA” or “ERSEA State” as required.

Reverifying the Returning Child

The ERSEA team continues the process by reverifying the returning family. An Enrollment staff begins the process.

    1. Download the scanned bundles of application materials from the queue or DocuSign. Do a visual review to ensure the materials are complete, then look for conflicts of information (e.g., an application providing a piece of information that conflicts with the information provided in the support documentation).

Note: For Head Start/Early Head Start applications, if the bundle is incomplete, Docusign the parent or email the staff member who compiled it to request the documentation necessary to complete the bundle.

    1. Complete the income spreadsheet to evaluate the family’s income. The family’s eligibility is determined by the number of people in the family, their income, and the updated federal poverty guidelines, among other criteria.
    2. Prints and signs the Eligibility Verification form.
    3. Create the child’s enrollment record and update status to “Accepted” for the upcoming program year, and enter the results of the verification.

Note: The child remains enrolled for the current year. A new record is created for the next year with 1000 continuity points assigned.

Next, a second Enrollment staff verifies the work of the first.

  1. Review the content the first Enrollment staff has entered to ensure data accuracy, completion of the required fields, etc. He/she also confirms that the correct attachments are included and attached to the correct child’s record.
  2. Reviews the income records to ensure the pay stubs and data entry are consistent, and that the income was evaluated appropriately. Once the family’s eligibility is confirmed, he/she signs off on the income calculation worksheet if income-based.
  3. Sign the Eligibility Verification form to indicate that eligibility has been verified.
  4. Attach the reviewed Income Calculation worksheet bundle in Child Plus
  5. By the deadline, Family Worker or Home Visitor complete the Edit Enrollment History (CP instructions) for all returning families.