
Family Changes prior to Enrollment

Once a family is on the waitlist, staff members in the field can edit certain types of information themselves; however, ERSEA would become involved if a family change has implications for the family’s eligibility for Head Start.

Changing Contact Information

Staff in the field or in the Admin office can modify a family’s contact information. Staff in the field can only make the update if the family is waitlisted at their Center.

Update the family’s information in ChildPlus.

Processing a Change in Income

These instructions apply if the family experiences a change in income that affects their eligibility for Head Start. For example, an over-income family might now be income-eligible for Head Start.

The Family Worker or Home Visitor works with the family to resubmit the updated documentation if a change of income occurs.

    1. Work with the family to gather all their documentation for resubmission.
    2. Complete a new Application Form. Instructions | Formster | English | Spanish
    3. Complete a new Eligibility Form. Instructions | Formster | English | Spanish
    4. Complete any other required forms, depending on the family situation. Refer to the SOP Eligibility Requirements to determine which forms are required.
    5. Scan the bundle, with a coversheet, to “ERSEA.” Formster | English

When ERSEA receives the bundle, they process the change.

  1. Reverify the family’s eligibility.
  2. Update the family income in ChildPlus

Adding or Removing a Person from the Family

If family size increases or decreases, this may affect their eligibility for Head Start. The Family Worker or Home Visitor updates the application and eligibility forms and scans them to the ERSEA team, who will make updates to the family record. Common circumstances include:

  • The birth of a baby
  • Adoption
  • The death of a family member
  • A foster child joining the family
  • A foster child returning to his/her biological family or guardian

The Family Worker or Home Visitor works with the family to resubmit the updated documentation.

    1. Work with the family to gather all their documentation for resubmission.
    2. Complete a new Eligibility Form. Instructions | Formster | English | Spanish 
    3. Complete any other required forms, depending on the family situation. Refer to the SOP Eligibility Requirements to determine which forms are required. 
    4. Scan the bundle, with a coversheet, to “ERSEA.” Formster | English

When ERSEA receives the bundle, they process the change.

  1. If necessary, reverify the family’s eligibility
  2. Update the family record in ChildPlus
  3. If necessary, add a new child enrollment record or update the child enrollment record in ChildPlus

A Note about Family Changes for Enrolled Children

To accommodate the federal government’s Program Information Report (PIR) data requirements, when a child moves from one family to another or resides in two households, a child record is maintained under both family records. In this situation, the Family Worker/Home Visitor will:

    1. Check to ensure that the “new” family, to which the child is moving, has a family record in ChildPlus. If so, add the child under the “new” family record. 

Note: If necessary, create a new family record for the “new” family.

  1. Update the child application record under the “old” family record to the new address.
  2. Complete Notification of Family Transition form and scan to the “Family Trans” folder. Formster | English

When a child’s eligibility was established while in foster care, and he/she is reunited with the biological family or guardian, he/she remains eligible for Head Start for the remainder of the current program year, regardless of the income of the family of origin.

Changing where the Family Wants to Be Waitlisted

When the family informs the Family Worker or Home Visitor that they want to be waitlisted at a different location or for a different program option, the staff member initiates the procedure.

    1. If necessary, have the family provide any relevant documentation, and complete any required forms. Refer to the SOP Eligibility Requirements to determine which forms are required. 
    2. Complete the box at the top, child name and birth date and section B2 of the Application for Services. Instructions | Formster | English | Spanish

    1. Scan the bundle, with a coversheet, to “ERSEA.” Formster | English

When ERSEA receives the bundle, they process the change.

  1. If necessary, reverify the family’s eligibility
  2. Update the family record in ChildPlus
  3. If necessary, add a new child enrollment record or update the child enrollment record in ChildPlus

Removing a Family from the Waitlist

If a family contacts us to inform us they are no longer interested in remaining on the waitlist, staff at the Center can update their status in ChildPlus.

  1. Update the enrollment status in ChildPlus to “Abandoned.” 
  2. Be sure to update the Eligibility Notes in ChildPlus as well.