
Completing Tasks from the Application and Eligibility Meeting

After the first meeting has concluded:

  1. Gather the complete set of forms and materials and create a “bundle,” or complete set of documents, that is scanned to ERSEA. ERSEA will then verify the family information and put them on the waitlist.
  2. Notes:

    • To verify a family for Head Start, all forms and supporting documentation must be included in the bundle. If information is missing, you will be notified by email from ERSEA of the missing information or documents. You may need to contact the family to gather it. You will be required to re-scan the completed bundle after you have gathered the missing information.
    • To verify a family for the State program, once you have sent the initial bundle you may send additional documentation piecemeal, as long as you record on the cover sheet an explanation of what you are sending and to which family the documents belong. State families complete the state paperwork after they have been waitlisted and selected for Head Start.
  3. Complete the appropriate coversheet and scan the documents both to yourself for reference, and to the relevant scan folder for ERSEA for verification. Then, keep the bundle in the Waitlist binder until the child is placed on the waitlist.
  4. Note: Each Center will have its own system for keeping the waitlisted bundles.

    For Head Start applications:

    • Complete the Head Start Coversheet. Formster | English 
    • Scan to “ERSEA.”

    For State applications:

    • Complete the State Coversheet. Formster | English
    • Scan to “ERSEA State.”

The family records are placed in the queue, and the ERSEA team evaluates their eligibility for Head Start and places them on the waitlist. There is a three-day turnaround for the family to be verified and waitlisted for Head Start, from the date the complete Head Start bundle is received.